Lock private pic

  • (just now)Msg sent and unread by recipient i unlocked my pix -- so you shall -- as you said you would -- unlock yours.
  • (1 min ago) I am at

    Cedar Run Apartments
    824 South Oneida --- Apt
    #F114 : 39 42.090N 104 54.384W
    Denver CO 80224
    Requires us to interface
    Glympse App-- Real Time
    Trip Share Tracking --- and
    Mismanagement Applications
    Solutions to the creations
    that all things we do here we do

    as Real Stated Intentions

    ----> This is a Lesson in Spoken Voice Text Narriatgve
    about 1 minute and 20 second long mp3 audio file

    ---> http:// awesomekramoboneplayroom dot school/02/
  • (16 mins ago) Try something original. ---

    ---> This is a Web Link: AwesomeKramobonePlayroom dot School

    The where is where I am now -- not where it was on 10th and Washington.
    It has a full title as:

    The Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom


    I am now sharing 1/2 of a space -- at Cedar Run Apartments
    There is a basically a need for you to follow the words that are in my
    profile --- that addresses this issue:

    MANDATORY There are so many haters out here connecting to profiles
    creation of no good - wasting away and sched time.
    App Glympse Must Be Used To Setup Time To Arrive
    or Verify your Real intentions are sexual exploration of two [ or more ]
    human males needing to to bust a knut up and out of their cocks.


    I don't treat my --- Something Original --- and nonsense -- and
    neither shall you --- respect this -- requires we to go to SMS chat
    you may initiate that chat at

    My name is Martin
    and you can find this number with google -- also attached to this
    construction of "originality'

    #Makta.Pond -- An Playroom Artificial Intelligence Wisdom Wise Social Actor
    Of Moral Agency. Or you got it ? This is real.

    You might want want to know why Kramobone -- why

    HouseKramobone dot com

    House Kramo Bone

    Welcome to the online home of House Kramo Bone
    Southwest Master and slave 2013

    Todd and elizabeth

    It is always nice to begin at the beginning so let’s start with what “Kramo Bone” means. Kramo Bone comes from the Andinkra symbol language and translates to “the bad Mohammedan makes it difficult for a good one to be recognized” or “one being bad makes all appear to be bad.” It is a warning against hypocrisy.
  • (29 mins ago) Where
  • (29 mins ago) what the -- open hole here -- is up
  • (2 hrs ago) Hello

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